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the weak point 2011

The Weak Point is an investigation about the real and fictional procedures in contemporary theatre. The stage is separated into spaces as in a board game. Some of these spaces are called fictional plans and the others are reality plans. From these delimitations, the actors make testimonials. The rules: in the fictional plans they can only present fictional testimonials and in the reality plans only real testimonials. The play proposes a very simple question: is it possible to delimit these spaces? According to Nietzsche, the human beings can only express themselves by language but the language is a set of conventions. How do we still pursue the truth? After all, the raw material of fiction is reality. On the other hand, how to construct a full reality, without fiction? The theatre - by its nature - points to a paradox without solution: it is never a finished work, it must take risks in every presentation. Thus, the theatre shows an unusual fragility, because it always tries to deny that it is theatre, almost as if it is fighting against itself. The Weak Point reveals this condition without hiding its weakness. Or better, its weak point.

The play debuted in Rio de Janeiro (Brazil) in November 2011.



Conception and direction: Leandro Romano

Dramaturgy: Luiz Antonio Ribeiro

Cast: Elsa Romero, Julia Bernat and Larissa Siqueira da Cunha

Set and light design: Isadora Petrauskas

Costume designer: Manoela Moura

Original soundtrack: Jayme Monsanto

Direction assistance: Luiz Antonio Ribeiro

Art assistance: Gaia Catta

Theoretical consultancy: Leonardo Munk

Production: Leandro Romano

The Weak Point is a Teatro Voador Não Identificado production.



Dramaturgy (Only in Portuguese)

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